
Road Ride Descriptions and Maps

Mountain Bike Rides, Trails and Maps

Regional Road Bike Tours

Gravel Rides

WEEKLY CLUB RIDES (April thru July or later)

Thursday Road Rides – (typically 5:30 pm Gibson Park)

Tuesday MTB Rides – (typically 6 pm at L&C Overlook)

Looking for Ride Leaders!  Contact John Juras with ride info  if you are willing to lead a club bike ride.

Other regional rides information and schedule

Ride the Divide – June 18, 2022  Butte – 33, 57 or 68 miles road and smooth gravel

Montana Road Tour –  June 25 – July 1st 2022  Great Falls – 360 fully supported miles
Butte 100 MTB Race – July 23 2022 –  100, 50, or 25 mile events
York 38 Special – 22 August 2022 – Helena Area – Gravel tour/timed event
Big Sky Gravel Grinder – 27 August 2022 – Red Lodge

NOTE: BAD WEATHER OR MUDDY TRAIL CONDITIONS CANCELS ALL RIDES To propose/schedule a ride please contact John Juras at 868-0742 or johnjuras@gmail.com

12 thoughts on “Rides

    1. Welcome to Great Falls! One way to find out about area rides is to join the GFBC News Group. Will send you an invitation.

  1. Am I missing something? It seems that the only way to contact the club is by posting a public comment like this one. I would like to join your email and news group. I printed out the membership application as well and will send that in. I found a Facebook page for a trails building group but their email did not generate a response. Do you know how to get in touch with them? Are you still doing the group rides?

    Thanks for all you guys have done to support biking in Great Falls!

    1. Glad you are interested. Thanks for asking. We share ride and other activity information on our Google News Group. Please send johnjuras@gmail.com an email and I’ll send you an invite to our news group. Please also friend the Great Falls Bicycle Club Facebook page for MTB ride and other info. The trails building group is temporarily inactive but will resume activities next year. Look forward to hearing from you, John

  2. Hi folks and sorry if this question is popping into the wrong forum. I have a group starting a self- supported ride from Great Falls in mid July and heading north toward Glacier on SR 89. I do not spot camping opportunities along that Rd between Great Falls and Browning. can someone tell me if there are some? Respond to jerrymcdaniel@hotmail.com. Thanks

  3. Hi;
    Am visiting from Abbotsford B.C. for work. Have done trips down the southwestern area and today to Eden on my road bike. Thank you for posting the road maps. Both trips were great. If I have some time in the next week am planning to ride up Sun Valley and/or the river trail.

    1. Mike, Group recreational road rides are scheduled this Tuesday and Thursday, starting at Gibson Park bandshell, 6 pm.

    1. Hi Chris, GFBC is an IMBA member. We’re not a chapter. We are definitely looking for guys with enthusiasm for more and better trails. Please call me on my cell phone to discuss ongoing efforts and ways you can plug in. 868-0742

    2. Hi Chris, Are you coming to our meeting on Tuesday?
      Are you excited about the upcoming bicycling season? Time to share your pedaling plans and goals and to make plans to ride with others. Please plan to join us Tuesday, April 9th to visit with old riding pals and meet new ones as we talk bicycling in and around Great Falls.

      GFBC Club Meeting Agenda – April 9th, 7 pm, TD&H Engineering

      MTB Items of Interest

      1. River’s Edge Trail – Gravity Flow Trail Planned. Needs your input.

      2. HLCNF Forest Use Plan update

      3. Club rides and Trail Building

      4. Beyond the Dam RACE and Ride – June 15

      5. State Trails Assn update

      Road Items of Interest

      1. Beyond the Dam RACE and Ride – June 15

      2. Adventure Cycling Assn Bike Overnight Ride and Spelunking – June 1, 2

      3. River’s Edge Trail progress update

      4. Rides Schedule


      1. GFBC officer elections

      2. Bike Walk Montana

      COOL Promo Story for bicycling around Great Falls in the Outdoors NW magazine. Check it out!

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