Fall Club Meeting Notes
Last week’s meeting was full of good ideas for the new year. Please stay in touch via Facebook or the GFBC Newsgroup.
Expect more club meetings in 2020. Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis during 2020 and the next meeting will be in January. Date, time, and location will be broadcast during the first week of 2020. We will hold officer elections and collect dues for the year. More discussion to come on club elections in the coming weeks. If holding an officer position in the club sound interesting, please let me know.
One topic of discussion was developing a trails maintenance schedule. We would like to establish a collective effort with our club and other local users to keep both of our mountain bike trails systems in good repair and fully rideable. Trail work is greatly affected by weather; expect a schedule in the March/April time frame. Any and all thoughts, comments, or other inputs are welcome.
Chris Stieh is making things happen with the skills park project. In case you haven’t heard, the skills park is a 40-acre area that Chris procured from the city that will eventually sport a variety of obstacles for new and advanced riders to hone their skills on. It will provide a safe place for mountain bikers to learn and develop skills. More to come on this as it develops.
Another topic of discussion was establishing a social weekend ride. The intent would be to create a social event that is inviting for cyclists of all levels. It would involve a slower-paced social road ride with a stop for coffee or brunch somewhere along a predetermined route. If this sounds like something interesting to you, please comment or send a message. Any information on participation, route choice, or other concerns our welcome.
It was brought up that there needs to be a better distribution of club related information. Two good ideas were brought forward: (1). to put up a flyer/bulletin board at the main south shore trailhead, and (2). to run a convention booth during the “Beyond the Dam” race this year. The club is always looking for additional and more effective means of communication. Any other input or suggestions along these lines are welcome.
There was some discussion about the “Beyond the Dam” bike race. The folks at Northwestern Energy are trying to make this an even better event and are currently considering course revisions for next year’s course. If you have any input regarding course layout please let us know and we’ll make sure it is forwarded to the race organizers.
It was mentioned that one of our members has access to trail grooming equipment. If permitted, this would allow us to groom a portion of the trail systems to make them more accessible for snow biking/fat biking. The legality/permissibility of this is currently being researched, but in the meantime, I’d like to hear from anyone that is interested in winter biking.
That covers most of the topics discussed. As stated earlier, any questions or inputs are welcome, please post up here or message me directly.
Gary Arno, President, GFBC