Club Meeting Summary
More than 20 bicycling enthusiasts attended our year end meeting on Wednesday, Dec 9th. Each shared their diverse cycling interests and learned more about IMBA, the RMFHA bike study, the Trail, Bike/Walk Montana, and safe cycling challenges in Great Falls. High points of the meeting follow:
- Eric Melson, IMBA’s Regional Representative, explained his background and interests, described IMBA’s role in trails advocacy in our area, and encouraged each of us to comment on the Lewis and Clark Forest Plan that is currently being revised. Be sure to let the USFS know that you bicycle trails in the region so we don’t lose access to more trails in our region like we did in the Rocky Mountain Ranger District Travel Plan a few years ago.
- Ian Bardwell, the USFS Trails Program Manager for the Rocky Mtn Ranger District explained the USFS’s current study to “improve non-motorized recreation trail opportunities (including mountain bicycling) in the Front. Ian asked each of us to help them identify problem locations on existing trails and to identify areas that we currently use. Ian collected email addresses from many of us and promised to stay in touch.
- John Juras gave a River’s Edge Trail progress report slide show about current happenings, future goals, and an appeal for support of the Trail. More info in the River’s Edge Trail Foundation’s Year End Letter here.
- The role of Bike/Walk Montana was explained and all were encouraged to join Bike/Walk MT and to attend their Summit in Missoula this April.
- MT Nursing Students Assn members explained their desire to promote bike education and safety in Great Falls. Good discussion about what they and each of us can do to promote safe riding and driving in Great Falls.
- Bicycle camping sounds like a growing interest within our group. Next meeting we’ll likely have a presentation about Cycling Greater Yellowstone. Check out the around the world bike trip photos from 2 recent Great Falls visitors here. Truly amazing journey.