Great Falls Bicycle Club > News > Bike/Walk Montana, Rides, and North Shore Trail Work Day

Bike/Walk Montana, Rides, and North Shore Trail Work Day

Please check out and spread the word about the only statewide group advocating for bicyclists and walkers in Montana.  Lots of good information in their April Newsletter here.  Check out their Advocates Rendezvous on Friday, May 10th in Helena.  Watch for the Bike/Walk Montana info table at Beyond the Dam on June 15th.
Thursday recreational road ride meets at 6 pm at Gibson Park.  Weather predicted to be grand.  Hope to see you there.  Hoping for dryer weather for the Tuesday MTB ride next week which meets at L&C Overlook at 6 pm every Tuesday.
Mark your calendar for a Friday afternoon of North Shore trail maintenance on June 7th.  In preparation for the Beyond the Dam Race/Ride, several groups of volunteers will walk segments of the North Shore to do much needed trail maintenance.  All are encouraged to participate.  More info coming soon.

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